Hardware Development

Our team has the opportunity to offer consultancy and hardware development for class I and class II medical devices. Our expertise includes:

Magnetic Resonance Imaging:

  • 3T (Siemens/GE) head, body, neck and extremities
  • 4T (Varian/Bruker) Head, Body, Pelvic Arrays.
  • 11.7T (Bruker) small animal multichannel.
  • 3T Multinuclear Dual-Tuned coils transmit and receive (31P, 23Na, 9Li, 129Xe, 19F) for head imaging and extremities (Siemens)
  • 7T Multinuclear Dual-Tuned coils (31P, 23Na) (Siemens)
  • 7T parallel transmit architecture
  • Architectures
    • Trasceiver Arrays , Transmit Only, Receive only, and combinations thereof for multinuclear.

Wearable Electronics for non invasive measurements of biological functions.

We focus on the smallest
details so you don’t have
to worry about them.

Seamless experience

Flawless events